Today there is a gadget for practically every task in the kitchen. Most are very useful; a few are not. The beginner should start with the “must have” gadgets and over time add the extras.
Obviously, you should begin with dishes, silverware, pot and pans. It is not our goal here to discuss the necessities of the kitchen. Out purpose is to discuss gadgets. That is, items which you could cook without by improvising and/or extra work.
It is suggested that you begin by equipping your kitchen with the first four items in the “must have” list below.
Must Have Gadgets
- food timer
- instant read food thermometer
- measuring cups (2 cup and 4 cup)
- measuring spoon set
- tongs (one with long handle)
- box grader
- colander
- cutting board
- whisk
- vegetable peeler
- can opener
- coffee maker (even if you do not drink coffee, your guest may)
- pepper mill
The Extras
- Spoon rest
- Kitchen shears
- Knife sharpener
- Strainer/sifter
- Biscuit cutter
- electric mixer
- pastry blender
- rolling pin
- egg slicer
- apple corer
- garlic press
- pizza wheel
- splatter screen
- cheese slicer
- ice cream scoop
- quality electric can opener
- corkscrew
- bottle stoppers
- Microplane zester