At Least The Plants Understand Us
These gardeners transformed their plants into free therapists. If you can’t read the sign because of the vine, it says, “Feel free to talk to the plants. They understand.”
Any neighbors who walk by and read the sign can talk to the plants about their feelings. Plants are great listeners, in part because they don’t say anything. Or perhaps the gardener uses their own plants as therapy. One thing is for sure; plants make gardeners and non-gardeners happy!
The Cat Doesn’t Look Pleased
Smoking is terrible for gardens. Not only does it pollute the soil, but the chemicals can also suffocate plants by diminishing their carbon dioxide. Since gardeners need to dissuade people from smoking near a garden, many will put up a sign.
But this sign doesn’t list risks to the plants. Instead, the owners’ “smoking cat” is trying to quit. You don’t want to contribute to the cat’s nasty habit, do you? Based on the picture, he already isn’t pleased.
Coming up: a gardener who was a little too excited for summer.