How Dare You!
Gardeners spend a lot of time cultivating their plants. Picking leaves, cutting off flowers, or digging up plants is a huge blow. We don’t blame this gardener for calling it “a low and selfish act.” But then they go further and ask, “what’s next, punching kittens?”
While this sign is funny, it also lowers the theft rate. That is why many stores have cameras that show customers at their entry. When people feel “called out,” they are much less likely to steal.
Stay tuned to see a funny mistranslated garden sign.
It Was A Valiant Battle
Caring for a lawn isn’t easy, especially a front lawn. Weeds easily spread, people step on the grass, and dead leaves cover the walkways. This person let their neighbors know that they tried, and they…did not succeed.
“I fought the lawn and the lawn won,” the sign says. Anyone who has to care for their front lawn will understand. Even if you perfectly weed and cultivate it, the lawn will still bite back with dead flowers or mud puddles.