If Your House Needs An Extreme Deep Clean, Pay Close Attention To These 9 Tips

3. Electric stove burners

If you can remove your electric stove burners, then you can clean them with nothing more than dish soap and baking soda. Start by squirting a little dish soap onto a damp cloth and wipe down the burners. Make a paste of water and baking soda and gently rub it onto the burners. Let it sit for about 20 minutes before scrubbing and rinsing it off. When the burners are completely dry, you can put them back on the stove.

4. Glass cooktop

Since you can’t remove the burners from a glass cooktop, it requires a different method of cleaning, but the same ingredients. Submerge a rag into hot, soapy water and let it soak while you spread a thick layer of baking soda over the cooktop. Take out the soapy rag and squeeze out half the water before laying it over the baking soda. Leave it for 15 minutes and then use the rag to scrub over the baking soda. Finish by drying the cooktop with a clean, dry cloth.

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