9. Vent covers

Metal vent covers are incredibly easy to clean as long as you can remove them without trouble. First, wipe off the dust and cobwebs with a paper towel and then put the vent covers into your dishwasher. Run a short cycle of water only, remove the covers and immediately dry them with a towel. Finish up by reattaching the covers.
10. Oven

If you want to deep clean the inside of your oven door, try this terrific treatment. Start by combining 1/4 cup of vinegar, 1/8 cup of dish soap and 2 cups of hot water in a spray bottle. Shake it up well, then spray it all over the inside of your oven door. Add a thick layer of baking soda to the door, and spray again. Leave it overnight, and in the morning wipe it away with a damp, soapy cloth.