It may be a challenge but you can make the perfect omelet…
Omelets can be a challenge even for experienced cooks. But with a few simple tips and proper technique omelets are not difficult. All you need to make the perfect omelet is outlined here.
It must be emphasized how important it is to start with a quality non-stick skillet. Without this it is very difficult to make an omelet. The number one problem in making an omelet is that the eggs stick to the skillet. The skillet must have the qualities that allow you to free the omelet from the skillet surface at the proper time or the result will be scrambles eggs.

There are many choices of non-stick skillets but the best we have found is a relatively new skillet being marketed on “As Seen On TV” ads under various names. You can recognize this skillet by it’s brownish, copper color. Absolutely nothing sticks to it. If you can find this skillet we strongly recommend you use it for your omelets.
Recently we have found this skillet at several major supermarkets, such as WalMart, Walgreens and others. If you find it at a local store you can save paying shipping charges.
For a one egg omelet use a 10 inch skillet. For a two egg omelet use a 12 inch skillet. You will have better results if you limit your omelets to a maximum of 3 eggs. If you need more, cook 2 or more individual 2 or 3 egg omelets. A large 4 or 5 egg omelet is possible but takes a higher degree of skill.
Place the skillet on medium heat and spray liberally with non-stick spray.
NOTE: If you intend to add any meat or firm vegetables they should be cooked prior to starting the omelet. Just cook until meat is cooked through and vegetables are soft. Set aside while you cook the omelet.
As the skillet heats, mix the egg(s) with milk, salt and pepper in a small bowl. Add a dash of salt and pepper for each egg used. Add about 3 or 4 tablespoons of milk per egg used.
Use a whisk or fork to beat the egg mix until frothy and bubbly. Set aside until skillet is well heated.
When the skillet is fully heated, pour the egg mixture into the skillet. Then stand back and wait. Do not touch the eggs until you see that the edges of the omelet are firm and dry (may be beginning to take on a little brown coloring).
When the edges of the omelet are dry and firm, use a spatula to push back the edges, tilt the skillet and allow the liquid egg in the center of the omelet to flow on to the bare skillet around the edges. When there is no more liquid egg showing, continue pushing around the edges and shake the skillet several times until the omelet slides freely around the skillet.
On one side of the omelet, add any meat or vegetable filling you previously cooked (We are adding salsa here).
Place the spatula under the side of the omelet (opposite the side with the filling) and, with a little force, quickly flip over the side with the filling. Wait about 30 seconds for the filling to heat.
Plate the omelet and serve immediately or place on a baking sheet in the oven set on 200 degrees to hold while cooking additional omelets. Enjoy!
F.Y.I. We like our omelet slightly browned (sa shown) but if you want a lighter color you need to peek now and then in step 6. There is no secret here…it just takes a little practice and experience.