Master Chef Shares +16 Top Kitchen Tips Of All Time

Remove Egg Shells With Wet Fingers

Accidentally break a few egg shells into the cake batter? Remove the shell from the bowl by dampening your fingers with water first. A not-too-uncommon mistake is to accidentally break a few egg shells into the cake batter. To remove the shell, wet your fingers and work it in. Carefully remove the cake from the bowl and place it on a serving plate or onto a wire rack.Serve this cake with your favorite frosting, coffee, or tea!

Clean Cutting Boards The Natural Way

If you have a wooden cutting board, use salt and lemon to clean it. Sprinkle salt over the board and scrub over it with half of the lemon, squeezing gently so the juice runs out onto the board. Let it sit until a gray liquid forms on the board. Scrape off the liquid and wipe the board with a wet cloth to remove any residue. .Salt and Lemon to Clean Cutting Boards The Natural Way Martha Stewart Martha StewartLemon and Salt to Clean Cutting Boards The Natural WayI think that it would work on other surfaces if you are really careful. I’m not sure about using the lemon juice to clean a bathroom sink or tub, but it might be better than using toxic chemicals or cleaning products that may contain harmful ingredients.

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