These Funny Clothing Tags Say A Lot More Than Tumble Dry On Low

Aside from the size, tags are likely to be the last thing people look at when choosing an article of clothing. Typically, all that’s printed on the labels are care instructions, so most people don’t particularly care, until its time to wash their clothing.

That being said, you’re going to want to start looking at the labels a bit more closely after seeing these funny tags! Some are witty, others tell you their life story, and one might just give a salad dressing recipe! Keep scrolling; you won’t be disappointed with these labels!

We Can Get Behind These Care Instructions

When care instructions for a fuzzy blanket include covering yourself up and drinking a nice cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows, we’re not going to improvise! This is one of those labels that makes you smile.

Mary Makler/Pinterest

Once you read it, there is nothing left for you to do but make that delicious drink, sit down in front of the television, and plug in your favorite movie. The only issue is, what happens if you spill the hot cocoa? There are no actual care instructions!

Up Next: your mother won’t enjoy these instructions but you probably will!

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What Happens if You Eat Pickles and Drink the Juice Every Day? We list some of the benefits here!