5. Cloth couches

With the exception of leather ones, most couches can be cleaned the same way. Start by brushing over the fabric with a stiff brush and then sprinkle on a layer of baking soda, which you’ll leave for at least 20 minutes before you vacuum over it with the brush attachment. Use your favorite brand of cleaner (or make your own) to scrub over any stains and then allow the couch to dry.
6. Brooms

Brooms and dustpans can get really gross after a few uses, but most people just stick them back in the closet until they’re needed again. Doing this just spreads dirt and germs, though. Next time you finish sweeping, soak your broom for an hour in a bucket of warm water and dish soap. Let it air dry and then put it away. For your dustpan, spray it with disinfectant after each use.